The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore

Established in 1973, The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham Singapore) is the premier business association for international businesses seeking to establish or expand their presence in Southeast Asia.

As the largest and most active chamber in the region, it serves as a cornerstone for over 600 companies and over 6,000 members. For 50 years, AmCham Singapore has a commitment to advocacy, business insights, and connections while being a powerful voice for the business community. With its diverse membership base, it is dedicated to supporting businesses to strive for excellence in this dynamic and thriving region.

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This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore events.

Event Details

Registration is closed.


The Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) is a law recently passed in Parliament to enable the government to counter foreign interference in Singapore's domestic politics conducted through hostile information campaigns and the use of local proxies. However, there have been questions about FICA's precise reach and how it will be operationalised.

The dialogue session is for MHA to share more about FICA and for members of the international chambers to share concerns or feedback, such as on whether foreign companies and foreign employees speaking in either their personal or business capacity need to be worried about FICA, and whether the international business community needs to be mindful of certain boundaries when advocating for business-related policies in Singapore.

Who should attend?

-C-levels Executives

-Managing Directors

-General Managers

-HR Professionals

If you have any questions that you would like to raise during the session, please email them to Jessica Cho, Head of External Affairs at November 5, 2021, 5pm.

Singapore Business Federation (SBF) will be sending the zoom link directly to you prior to the event date.


* Registration closes on November 5, 2021.

* Please note that your details will be shared with SBF.

* For any enquires please contact the AmCham Programming and Events Team at


Mr. K. Shanmugam (Minister at Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Law)

Mr. K. Shanmugam

Minister at Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Law


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