Event Details
The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) is seeking industry feedback on the proposed update on the Cybersecurity Code of Practice (CCoP). The updates are aimed to increase CIIs cyber defense and enhance government and private sector coordination in responding to cyber threats.
Join AmCham for a roundtable discussion on Thursday, May 12, 3-4pm, to review and raise any issues or concerns on the proposed updates on the CCoP. This sharing and feedback session will be led by our Cybersecurity Committee Co-Chairs, who will guide members through the update. Depending on member feedback, AmCham may consolidate and submit AmCham feedback to CSA thereafter.
If you have any written feedback on the proposed CCoP update, you are welcome to send the feedback to Hannah Halim, External Affairs Team, at hhalim@amcham.com.sg
* For any enquires please contact the AmCham Programming and Events Team at pe@amcham.com.sg.